Wednesday, November 11, 2020

"Dear Parents "Of The Universe,"


“Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk.” –Carl Jung

Dear Parents,

In 2007, I entered into my first position as a teacher.  I created curriculum for your kids because there was not any.  I created a classroom environment that your kids could depend upon whether they believed in their education or not.  This mind you, was all before our pandemic.  Covid 19 has changed everything for educators and the students who now are being endangered.  Yes, I said endangered.  But, you may have already guessed that and forgive me for stating the obvious.  BUT, why is the "obvious" not sinking in with the public at large.  

Here's what I know for sure parents.  I know that your children are in the most excellent hands of people who are courageously, systematically trying to educate the youth of today and being given no support to do so.  It's somewhat like sending a "lamb to the slaughter" only the difference is, we just do not know at what point the slaughter will take place.  Trust me though, it is happening in districts across this country, teachers are getting sick and some are dying for their professionalism and their duty to the young of America. 

Putting politics and money aside, what teachers do not quite understand is the idea that we, like doctors, nurses, EMTs, firefighters, police officers are expendable.  Why are we expendable?  Why is it all right for anyone working for the public to be at risk without the appropriate safety measures in place? I do not understand the harshness.  Even more importantly, I do not understand putting your children at risk for an ideal. Teachers are service oriented but not like the armed forces.  We did not sign up to teach knowing we could die.  The new found bravery, ingenuity, tenacity and courage of American teachers is coming at a price.  A price no one brought to our attention.  A price the public was not prepared to discuss or acknowledge, at least not without a great of political rhetoric and of course money plays a huge role in this movement to "get back to normal."    We have heard this many times since last March, that "children need socialization."  That may be true but they need parental support and guidance even more. Do not forget that often the socialization you refer to is circumspect to so many factors. Again, everyone's circumstances are different, but hopefully you understand the point.  Health and well-being are more important than leaving the house in the morning on a school bus, during a pandemic.  A hybrid schedule, then a remote schedule when COVID surfaces, then hybrid, then remote and back again, does nothing for the stability of the education of our students, our kids.  They are all of our kids.

I was never blessed with the ability to have children but I can tell you this...In the event of a pandemic, in the event of a life-threatening situation, I would be teaching my kids what it means to be a good citizen, a responsible citizen.  I would stop everything, to protect them.  This, this was my mother's mantra, and although, no one's family life is perfect, we all understood that. 

With every argument for sending our kids to school, one must realize that someone, someone where is going to get sick from this virus.  We will get a vaccine soon.  We will get the vaccine and we will get to work with our heads in the right place and our training to teach our kids, our future, with the appropriate safety measures in place.  This is NOT about politics, it is about common sense and about what is safe.

LIke every profession, there are issues.  Some will do their jobs better than others but here's the thing...the majority of teachers are throwing themselves into the fire and they are succeeding in an environment where there is no "win."  

I am a hero of parents and family.  I have seen first hand the active parenting and love of my family, and I am completely in awe, even now, of how my sisters have parented their children, whom, although adult, are loved.  I would hate to see anything happen to them or their children.  I respect what I have been given and I am indeed grateful.  Let us be grateful for the health and well-being of our kids, their families and their teachers. Let us use common sense and display common consideration for our community.  Social distancing does NOT mean ignoring what we blatantly see is true..."Health matters. Our kids matter,  You matter. Saftey is a non-negoitable.  

That is all.  

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