Saturday, January 30, 2021

"Fear and Courage...Courage and Fear"



     As I approach another decade milestone, I can not help but think about how many moments I have either been incredibly fearful and...fearless.  By the time I got through all of my reflections, I was beyond exhausted.  

     I was definitely afraid the night of my ninth grade dinner dance.  Mom had made me a flowered dress with all of my favorite colors.  It had flowers; pink, blue, and white flowers and there was a bow in the back.  It had a scoop neckline too.  She curled my hair and I got to wear mascara.  That dance was by far one of the scariest moments of my life; it was my first date.  I went and faced the truth about high school. The date was a disaster, heartbreaking but moments such as those are fleeting.  It ended as quickly as it began and although my heart was broken, I did have the courage to move forward.

     The next fearful moment  was graduating from high school.  It was an anxious moment for my parents to be sure.  I was the last to go through high school.  I was anxious because well, I could not wait to begin my life outside of Hopewell Junction.  I was leaving the area.  I was going to college and that August after I graduated high school, my parents drove away from the dorm room with me in their rear view window.  I was in tears but they never saw those tears. It was all up to me now.  Those first two years, I met two of the most important friends I would ever have in life and we are still friends and we still value what we have built and have over the years.  I finally graduated years later, basically because I was afraid of what I really wanted for myself.  I wanted a career in acting.  I did the next best thing and became a certified English teacher.  Talk about fear...walk into a classroom of 30 teenagers, and they recognize fear, like sharks know the smell of fresh meat.

When I got my first legitimate role and had to walk on stage and say my lines, I thought I was going to vomit.  I was beyond nervous because I wanted to be excellent.  I wanted to make the audience laugh.  I had an intense fear of failure.  I suspect that most people's fears stem from that very thing, failure.  From failure comes courage because when we fail, our worst fears come to fruition and we end up surviving. I find it interesting how those scenarios turns out for most of us.

The most significant fear I have to date was getting married.  I know no other act of courage then getting married.  Why?  Getting married is the most significant act of trust a person can give to another.  'I accept you.  You accept me."  Love is scary.  Love is courage.  Love is real. Sometimes it can be ugly.  Sometimes it takes your breath away to the point were there will never be enough oxygen to sustain yourself.

The idea of death or the act of dying is filled with fear.  When someone's health fails and we know they are passing, we watch in amazement at their courage.  For some reason it is the act itself that eventually provides a sense of courage in us.  We move forward and keep the departed close and the fear turns to courage and then turns to everlasting love.  The most amazing thing is we are then forced to rely on others to help us move beyond the pain.  We all need people we can trust to get us through the struggles.  Let's not forget, they are being courageous as well because they are watching us struggle.  I would equate the facing of death to that of facing a birth too.  LIfe changes at birth.  Life changes with the death of those we love. With the young, the fear is that of wanting to protect them.  We can not protect them forever.  At the appropriate time, the young must leave and they must sustain themselves.  Letting them leave is where the courage lies.

We have no courage, if there is no fear.  I can not count the number of times a fear surfaced and I was afraid to lose.  It has been the fear of losing that has dominated most of my life and now, now as I approach another decade, I can recognize the importance and the result of having both.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

"Champagne Wishes and Caviar Dreams"


Hello 2021!!!!  Remember us? The human race?  You know the human race who has been trying to juggle their sub-conscientious, pre-occupations mixed with thinking of loved ones and all of the things we would have liked to have done but did not because...?  Let's change all of that. 

I have tried to convince myself of so many things in the past year... 

"I did not really need that extra slice of pizza." 

 "Really, really, I am fine.  Just let me soak in the tub another 20 minutes." 

 "I really should not have that extra glass of wine...but ok."

"Who needs people?  I mean, I'm only around them 100 percent of the time."

"Back to the tub..."

But 2021, here is something you do not know...I have become more tolerant, more patient and less worried about what I can not control.  As much as I would love to have control over every single aspect of my life, that is a "mission impossible."   In fact, I think the people who scare me the most are the people who behave like they have everything under control.  They are beyond organized and strive each and every day for perfection.  It is an impossible task to maintain a high level of perfection.   Now, on the flip side of this rationale is we can never ignore hard work and diligence as a key to a better life and we shouldn't be bitter or jealous of those who strive to work hard.  In fact, bitterness, resentment and anger are all part of the mantra we should be dispelling.  These are the emotions or the behaviors that should hopefully disappear in 2021.

Speaking of disappearing...I would guess that many of us have felt as though we have disappeared in a sense.  We have covered up and stayed away from those who are closest to our heart out of love for the sake of their health and ours.  Then...January 6, 2021 showed us that we have more to learn...sadly or in fact, we haven't learned a damn thing.  Why?

This is 2021 folks.  We can choose whatever political beliefs with a free conscience.  We can support politically, those values that we comfortable in following.  But violence? Insurrection?  The death nail was the Confederate flage being brought into the very place that supported the equality of all in this country.  The Civil War was the result of a democracy that eventually came to its senses.

Today, noone can afford to be invisible any longer.  The task at hand for all us living in this country is to now to right yet another wrong, visibly witnessed on the news.  The desecration of the one building that holds our freedom and the laws of our land in its hands is nothing more than criminial.  We do not have to agree with each other politically but we do have maintain control of our impulses and respect the law.  The law...those written ideals that protect each and everyone of us.  The laws that maintain civility and allow for peaceful debate.

So 2021, here we are, tempting fate and working very hard to remain optimistic in the midst of a quagmire of doubt.  We must watch our physical health, seek to look after our mental health and when all else fails act out of love.