Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"With a Conscience" - "Being Fearless"

"The key to to let go of fear..." - Roseanne Cash

I admit it.  When I was young, I was fearless.  I was literally unafraid of everything.  I was so unafraid of life, I was born two weeks early and rather than cry at the time of my birth, I smiled.  I was unafraid, eager. 

The forties, have made me more fearful for the world at large and at the same time, less fearful for my own private world if that makes any sense.  I am less tolerant of stupidity.  I am also afraid of the stupidity I see when I go to the supermarket and see parents not setting limits for their children as they scream with enough force that could literally start an earthquake.  I am afraid of other drivers on the road who are literally racing to go from point A to point B that any hesitiation on my part results in the blast of their horns which continue for at least mile as they follow me in utter frustration all because they need to get to the drive thru lane at McDonald's.

I am more afraid for the young adults today.  Yes, they are wired up for sound.   They are technically so skillful and eager to master the newest technology.  I applaud that.  However, what makes me fearful is their inability to communicate and the decreasing social skills they seem to be developing because technology is causing them to make serious mistakes towards each other with the touch of the "send" button.

I have admitted many times that I am just as fearful as I am fearless about so many things.  Each time I hear about a young person who has succumbed to suicide because of a cruelty or bullying. I am fearful for the young people in our military who face unspeakable challenges and do it without complaint.  They and I've met many, make me fearless too. It makes me more fearless to speak my mind and promote kindness, civility and the love of mankind. 

All of us face challenges.  Some are more serious and disheartening than others but it's important to wake up with a purpose.  It's the purpose that makes us move forward.  It's having a purpose that welcomes the morning alarm.  I hope that as I continue this adventure in blogging that the ideas continue to flow and that my challenges become the "alarm" for those who want to be fearless.   Read, become curious and acknowledge what you are passionate about freely.  

See you soon!