Sunday, May 21, 2017

"The grass is always greener...or is it?"

"You are doomed to make choices. This is life's greatest paradox." - Wayne Dyer

     I'm not sure but I'm pretty certain, no, really certain, that wanting change, or making decisions is incredibly difficult for all of us.  When we are experiencing difficult times, personally and professionally, spiritually, we are forced to find new vision through our tears. Everyone sheds tears or we want break something.  Either one, shows our frustrations and our dilemma.  How do we stop the madness and do what we personally know is right for us?

   So here's the question.  When everything is said and done, and a difficult decision is made, how do we measure whether the grass was greener?  I've been witnessed to watching so many be forced to make decisions that they thought were right at the time, tell me later, that they are no better off.  True...they are no worse off, this is also true, but the outcome wasn't what they thought or believed.  What I know to be true is that any dilemma or choice I've made or could make even today, seems to resolve itself with time.  The true nature of love heals too.  Some may ask if this is enough.  Is love enough?  The answer is yes, even when the decision we make has been made.  Once a decision is made we have to respect ourselves enough to let everyone know it was the right one for us.  

     I know what turmoil is personally.  I have felt the frustration, hurt, anger and pain of a broken heart and a broken spirit.  What saved me is love.  Not that stupidity and short term memory helps too when we are broken.  However, most of us become broken and the healing begins when we forget everyone's else's timetable and simply keep our personal one, personal.  I've learned to take a step back and own whatever I'm feeling.  

     Sometimes the choice is made for us.  In a split second, our lives can change and all of the soul-searching in the world doesn't equal a life-changing event.  I find that if love has been my major motivation that I know I will make the right choice.  After all, love is what heals.  Love is what changes everything for us.  Hate can enter the picture and we rightfully feel it but it's more often the confrontation of a problem we hate and not necessarily our relationship or our job or anything else that surfaces.  This is when we must be patient. This is when we must love.

     The older I get, the more I understand that I have less and less time for hate and for sadness.  I feel those emotions but they do not own my progress.  I do. The grass isn't always necessarily greener but when you grow or own your own parcel of land, no one can fertilize the grass's  growth but you.  Our passions, our desires lie in that one simple truth. Rushing to judgement, impressing our own value systems on others gets us no where.  It is for this reason that decisions need to be made without asking anyone what they think. We alone need to find the peace with our actions.  That's how our grass grows.  That's how it gets greener.