Friday, December 4, 2020

"Old School"


For the past fve years, on each and every parent night held at my school, I have told my parents that, "I am old school." When those words first came out of my mouth, I was not exactly sure why I even mentioned that.  In fact, I was actually stunned later, driving home.  "Why would I say that?"

The ride home was indeed a reflective one.  Why the hell would I consider myself "old school?"  I listen to all kinds of music.  I know who "Cardi B" is.  I have rapped in my classroom to my students.  I have even done a physical split on to the floor if one of my kids got the right answer.   "Old school?  Nah....not this woman."  As I kept my relentless questioning, it suddenly came to me like a bolt of electricity.  I was raised "old school."  The definition is as follows:

  • Old school means that you have respect for adults in positions of authority and for colleagues.
  • Old school means kindness and that you embrace those who may not want your help but you give it anyway.
  • Old school means you have respect for a difference in opinion.  That does NOT mean you lose your own trajectory.  It simply means that no matter what another person thinks or believes, you must respect their right to have it. As long harm is being done.  If there is harm. then that is entirely another outcome.  "Do no harm."  That is what being "old school" means to me.
  • Old school means that you are willing to listen.  Listening or a lack there of can ruin any relationship.  It can ruin a friendship, a marriage, or a relationship with a colleague.
  • Old school means when you leave the house every day, you are cognizant of the name you carry.   Your last name means everything.  Your first name means everything too. But it is your last name that people will remember...the good, the bad, and the ridiculous.
  • Old school means that you adopted the rules and the morality of your parents. "Old schoolers" know what the expectations are.  They were spelled out from the time you could walk. "Old school" means integrity. 
If being "old school" means I am getting elderly and persnickety then so be it.  My heart is in the right place, even when I question where other people's hearts are.  I can live with that now.  I used to question every outcome, every behavior of the people around me.  It would make me feel a very real anxiety that was hard to overcome.  Now, I force myself, my "old school" self to let the initial reactions go.  The real truth surfaces with time.  This is where you find peace.  If I am in fact "old school" now, then I am definitely resigned to the fact that although there are always family indescrepancies, I am "old school" for all of the right reasons.  Embrace being "old school."  It works for most of us or at least it would be wonderful if it did.  Some of us have a long way to go and it is my hope that the idea of "old school" becomes fashionable again because it works for the betterment of a civilized society, one that is based on respect and fairness.  Being "old school" promotes progress.  

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