Thursday, August 20, 2020

"Living in a pandemical world and I am a pandemical...girl..."

 “You have to find a way to respect these new boundaries [related to coronavirus], but still live the version of life you’re used to. That’s what life is, regardless of circumstance.” - Caroline Wright

It's no surprise that we are witnessing so much turmoil on our streets.  In our pandemical world, even the most civilized are losing control because we are learning that nothing is guaranteed.  Nothing ever is.  But here is the comedy, in a time where we should be banding together and working together as past generations have during a crisis, few are wanting to make the sacrifices the rest of us are and it's these few that are causing our lack of community and our jeopardizing our health.  I do not understand their logic and I wish I did.  We all hate to feel as though we are losing control of the world around us but as I'm learning, we do not have control and never did.

We can put a great deal of importance of money and of course politics.  But those two anolmalies do not make for a great society.  Religion does not make a great society.  Understanding, kindness and a sense of community do.  I wish we were hearing more about that from our leaders instead of the usual rhetoric. 

In a pandemical world, everything from the past, at least to me, is just too damn superficial.  As long as appearances were made and everything looked peachy-keen on the outside, no one gave anyone a second thought.  Now, of course we must and should read between the lines because we simply do not know what someone else is experiencing or carrying with them. We are wearing physical and emotional masks. The anxiety that most Americans are feeling because of all of the uncertainity does not help our society make the appropriate decisions to move progress beyond the pandemical circumstances.  If we are doing everything we are supposed to be doing during this life-changing time, there are still no guarantess that our health will not be compromised.  But here's the thing...that's no excuse.  The education has to continue.  The science has to advance.

In this pandemical world, there has never been more of a need for creativity and ingenuity.  We need the tenacity and the brillance that put a man on the moon and developed the polio vaccine.  We need the bravery and the hard work of science to continue the hard core work necessary to get us to the other side.  Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine.  Edward Jenner developed the Small pox and Cow Pox vaccination.  Maurice Hilleman is credited for developing over 40 vaccinations including measles, mumps, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, meningitis, pneumonia, Haemophilus influenzae bacteria, and rubella.  This is why the words of Dr. Anthony Fauci become so critical.  We need expertise.  We need to respect the knowledge coming forth from the science.  This is not politics.  This is for the common good of mankind and it is smart.

We need to take care of each other and we need to look past what "used to be" and focus on the "now."  If we can not apply basic common sense and care for the welfare of others, then we can not move forward and we can not find the peace of mind we are all so desperately looking for in this pandemical world.  We are losing our patience, our civility and in short, we are becoming stuck on stupid.  I happen to think we are so much better than that and I keep my hope alive that we will behave in the appropriate way.   We are seeing signs of compassion and we are seeing more signs of violence.  This is the result of fear, frustration and the acceptance that it is acceptable to do more harm than good.  We need to save ourselves.

In this pandemical world, I will continue to do the civilized thing and I will continue to do the right thing by those I love more than anything. I will not compromise and I will not be selfish.  Those mantras are the only mantras I can or will live with now...How about you?

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