Thursday, December 29, 2016

"What I've learned from Mitty"

"Cats have it all - admiration, an endless sleep, and company only when they want it". 

- Rod McKuen

     Every morning, our sweet, adorable, snick-snack loving cat, Mitty walks into our bedroom, climbs up her carpet lined stairs at the foot of our bed and walks over to "The King" and strategically walks on his groin.  As I hear the sudden "Ummmph, Mitty, really?" I roll over and get try not to burst out laughing. But it doesn't end there.  Mitty walks up to King's chest and head butts him, first on the left side and then the right.  She then walks between us and I give her a scratch.  King gets up and makes coffee. Life is as it should be in that one daily routine.  We get summoned and we get up.

     Mitty recently turned twenty years old.  Twenty years of service.  When I first met King, Mitty wasn't exactly convinced that I was necessarily worthy.  She would sniff me out, rub against me and when I would get the urge to grab her she would run. I would clearly have to earn her trust. This was new for me because I never met a pussy cat that didn't like me right away.  In fact, I couldn't identify with Mitty at all.  I had opened my checkbook to everyone.  If they wanted in, I let them in because I wanted to be be liked so badly that it never occurred to me that there would be any hurt in my future.  Mitty knew better.  Through the years, I began to understand that Mitty respected her boundaries.  Boundaries for Mitty were a way of regulating who earned her trust and who didn't.  I had to wait and wait I did.  

     It wasn't all that long ago when Mitty finally decided to "own me."  We were downstairs in the family room, watching a movie.  Mitty came downstairs and jumped onto the couch.  This time, I grabbed her. I mean, she let me grab her and I held her close on my lap. I held her so gently and held her close to my heart so she could hear it.  I rubbed her ears and under her chin.  I had learned  where her favorite places. She started to purr and extend her paws, her eyes half closed.  We must have stayed that way for almost an hour.  No one wanted to get up. Mitty and I moved to a new level in our relationship.

     Mitty's bursts of energy come after she's been scratched and kissed and an ample amount of snick-snacks have been given.  I've seen her gallop down the hallway.  I've seen her lament at the bird feeders.  I watch King with her.  She has such an amazing way of getting him to do whatever she needs him to do.  There is no mistaking a true woman.  She gets what she wants because expects it and will eventually give back in spades if she knows there's gratitude.  No gratitude, she'll avoid you like the Plague.  That's a woman.  I was immediately under Mitty's tutelage.  Everything a woman needs to learn about being a woman in this day and age, can be learned by watching Mitty.  She gets doors opened for her.  If she doesn't get to eat at a certain time, there is hell to pay.  A clean litter box is a happy litter box.  Pet her in the right places and her tail goes up immediately...her paw twitches too. She appreciates comfort.and quiet moments.  She enjoys simply "being."

     Mitty has been therapist, nurse, confidante, sometimes coy, sometimes protective, particularly if King and I start kissing.  She has to be a part of whatever is happening...just to be sure.  She is observant, patient and well, not so patient because she knows no other way to be. Frustrate a woman and you're "mouse-meat."   She's "Mity."  She is comfortable in her own fur.  She doesn't worry about much.  She sleeps when she feels like it and where she feels like it. You will pay if sleep is interrupted and rightly so.  She has her own mind and demands respect for her efforts.  A true "Fem Cat-Al." Mitty's loyalty to King and I is unyielding and ours to her.  She runs the show and why shouldn't she? She has earned her right as most women do when have years and years of work behind them.

     At night, like the morning, King and I are grateful for "Mittens King."   She makes us grateful for each other too.  Animals make us better people, because they know better.  Mitty certainly does.

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